Thursday 10 May 2018

Mooc: liderazgo en tecnología educativa

Esta semana, en concreto el 8 de mayo, empezó el mooc "liderazgo en tecnología educativa".

Es un tema muy interesante y que está a la orden del día en la mayoría de centros educativos. En concreto esta semana empieza la unidad 1 sobre el universo edtech y la figura del líder en el mismo.

Monday 22 May 2017

It is not a goodbye, just the Master's last post

Hello everyone, I am glad to say that this subject has become to an end, but I will be posting everytime I have some free time, so finally it is not a goodbye it is just the last post of this master's course and my last challenge.

Now looking back I have to say that I have learned a lot of things of ICT for education and I want to add here to this post three things I have enjoyed the most and one thing that has been more difficult to deal with:

My favourite three things are actually:
1. Open the learning diary: I realy enjoyed the process of making this blog which now I can say it is part of the learning experience I have acquire
2. Open the twitter account: It can seem to be silly, but when twitter started I opened my very first twitter account and then I never used it as I didn't see the point on it. It was not useful for me then, but now I have seen the powerful tool that it is and the benefits it may have if you know how to use it.
3. Last but not least collaborating: I didn't get any answer for my collaborative project but I get the oportunity to collaborate with one of my classmates during the creation of the super learning missions. So it has helped me to actually collaborate, but also to see the ways that my future learners can collaborate between them and also outside the classroom.

The thing I mentioned before that has been more difficult to deal with, is not completely related to this subject but with the whole master and has been the lack of time leading to the amount of work. During this last semestre I have been struggling to do all the tasks at the proper time, and the papers from other subjects.

Finally I would like to add my conclusion which is that the result has deserve all the effort and the work I have done for it, Because now I have this small place where I can share with you all the teacher things I learn. I have also created a Meme for you, to describe the process I've been through: 
Created with

I hope you have enjoyed this post and the sum up of the learning process. Thank you for reading the post and I'll see you on the next post.

Monday 15 May 2017

MM 10 Conference

On the 4th of May, as part of our Master's degree we had the great opportunity to attend to an online conference (moodlemooc10) which is still going through if you want to check it. The online conference is promoted by Nellie Muller and thanks to our teacher we were able to participate just to share the experience we have been trhough during the year, what we have already learn as teachers that can be useful for other teachers around the world and the proces we have done to acquire knowledge and the ICT skills we have now.

For this purpose each of us creates a slide in the final presentation we were going to share during the online conference:

My slide is the 10th and there I grote all the social media you already have on the blog, and also the process I been through this year which actually represents all the post I have created.

The online conference we did is now on youtube and just for those of you interested in, I will leave you the link and the video. It was such a pitty as I had some problems with the audio, and after speaking I realize that mi microphone volume was to high, but any way I hope you can appreciate the effor we all did this day.

Direct link to the youtube video

To present my part I created a draft to bare in mind all the ideas I wanted to express during the 5 minutes presentation with all the information about the bullet points. As It is hard to hear myself during the online classroom if you do not low the volume a little bit, I leave you the draft I did, so that you know what I wanted to say.

It was such a great experience as we were able to see our classmates presentations about the work they have been doing during the year too, what give me some ideas on how to improve my work, but also, they were talking about their learning experiences, that was also meaningful for me as I was reflecting on my practice meanwhile they were talking to realize about my own learning process during this year. Sometimes I think that we are so focused in ourselves practice and we forget to have a look at what the others are doing and learning, as a ways for us to realise that we are also learning the same things and we can improve having a look at other's projects.
I am not completely sure about what I am gonna be doing next year, but this great opportunity has given me the chance to become public, and to share with other teachers all over the world my ideas and thoughts, which actually is important as I really want to become a teacher.
So finally I just have to thanks Dr. Nellie Muller and I hope you have enjoyed the post

Tuesday 9 May 2017

Assessment Rubric

Hello everyone! I have already posted two super learning missions and today I am here with you to share a rubric I have created for students to be assessed.
When talking about Project Based learning projects it is important for students to know the learning outcomes  before they are assessed. It is also important to take into consideration that students must be also assessed during their work, so that they can improve, so bear in mind that giving them some feedback during their practice is neccesary for them to progress.
A formative assessment will be needed to be able to do those things mentioned before, but also because we are doing an informal assessment that occurs in the everyday practice.

The rubric I have designed takes into account all this but also the learning outcomes, and is not only for the teacher, but also for the student to see what they are required to do and how are they going to be assess.

Learning outcomes for this two super learning missions are:
- Uses logical connectors and knows their meanings
- Shows interest for what his/her peers are saying
- Shares ideas and thoughts in public
- Matches ideas and opinions with his/her peers to reach agreements
- Knows the subject content
- Interacts with empathy using different social abilities
- Express ideas using ICT tools

You can either download the Rubric clicking on the link or see use the following document:

Creating a rubric has been very useful for me, because this way I will be able to use the super learning missions as teacher. It has helped me to understand what I really want to evaluate and to see how can I adapt the rubric so that learners in primary education are conscious about the learning outcomes and the assessment criteria.
I have also learned how to desing and create a rubric that students would be able to use for a PBL as usually teachers do not share their rubrics with the students and it is an important part in PBL approach. This mission has been realy usefull as teacher and I would highly recommend you to to try it, as it gives learners a sense of achievement

Thursday 4 May 2017

excretory and digestive system super learning mission

Welcome to my second super learning mission, I hope you enjoyed the first super learning mission this second mission has the same principles I have collaborated with Ana from as we both want to collaborate with Don't tell me stories, draw them. We follow the same process that you will be able to see in the document below. But first I want to tell you about the video we have created. We now that it is important to motivate our learners, even when the mission is already motivating we have created a video not only to explain the mission but also to challenge our learners to keep progressing and to do their best.
Here you have the video I have been talking about and followint it you will have the document:

I hope you have enjoyed the post and that you found it to be meaningful but please do not hesitate to make your comments or appreciations, this way we will be collaborating too and I will be able to develop it and to learn from it.
As in the previous one I have to say I have learned a lot, it has helped me to open my mind and to develop myself wich is something I am thankful for. If you have read the previous one  then you should know that I have learned a lot of things but this is for me one of the most important ones also with the opportunity to collaborate and to create new things and materials that will be very useful.
Thank you for reading the post and in a few days I will be posting the assessment rubric, so please stay tunned.

Nutrients in food super learning mission

Hello everyone! today I here with you to present my two super learning mission, in this post I will be just presenting one, but don't forget to stay tunned for the following where the second will take part.
As I said on my previous post I woul like to collaborate with No me cuentes historias, dibujamelas (don't tell me stories, draw them) For this purpose and because one of my colleagues one to collaborate with them to Ana from
The first step when designing our super learning mission was to decide on the content and the tool, in this case was easy as Ana's project was based on teaching specific content and mine whas about using the Scratch jr. App
With all this in mind, I will leave you with the project:

We have also added a video to our project to give you an idea about the final outcome that students can create:
Youtube video

To open this super learning mission has been very challenging for me, as it don't only requires time, but also to be able to cooperate bearing in mind a possible future collaboration with dibujamelas. I did not have a flat activity at the beginning because I created the original planning thining about new methodologies using ICT and new tools for the students, but Ana gave me the opportunity to work with that flat activity wich originally where some pages of the book I have mentioned in the document. However I have learned a lot, this project has helped me to open my mind and to be able to produce a project taking into account not only mi ideas but also Ana's ideas. I have learned how to turn a flat learning mission that mostly consist about memorizing into a supper learning mission where students will be able to learn by using their creative skills and their capacities.
I have to say that I am very proud of the final result, it has taken a lot of my time but is good to see the results and that they diserve the time spent. Don't forget to check my next entry, and  I hope you have enjoyed the learning mission, and that you are able to see all the effort behind it.

Sunday 23 April 2017

Partner search

Hello everyone! Today I am here to share with you my partner search and the elevator pitch I have created for you to join my collavorative project.

For the development of this project I would like to collaborate with "No me cuentes historias dibújamelas" a project, which has been designed to help the students in their learning process by using visuals, infographics and visual thinking. As a way to run away from memorising and text books.

 It match perfectly my project as their main objective is to draw stories to make it easier for the students to learn, in this way, my project is about students making stories for them to learn not only english but also other subjects in the second language. So I would be pleased to collaborate with them and make a real collaborative project.

To generate the elevator pitch I have done a draft to clarify my original ideas and to be sure of what I really wanted to say:

This project has helped me to know what an elevator pitch is, in case you don't kow what it is one of my classmates has explained it perfectly and you can visit her blog post here where she explained everything about it. With the elevator pitch I have learned how to synthesis information and erase all the irrelevant information, as I really wanted to catch your eye in just 20 seconds. About the tool I have used to generate the video, it was I movie, as it is a program I already know how to work with and it was easy to me to use it because I recorded the video using my ipad. 

This post, as the previous one have helped me to get a better idea of what a collaborative project is, not only within the classroom but also out of it. Giving me the chance to choose the project that best matches mine to collaborate if possible. I have really appreciate it, because it has open my mind and dare to take risks. 

The fllowing week I will be posting my super learning missions, so please stay tuned for more information. And thak you for reading today.